From left to right, kneeling: Vincent Profy, Francis Grimes, Louis Duffy, Gus Cocoruas, Mitchel Spector, Frank Mignoni.
From left to right, standing, middle row: Ernest Onazi, Joseph Ciallela, Robert Moore, John Dougherty, James Wollard, Thomas Profy, Raymond Nichols, Bill Downing, Carmen Mignoni.
From left to right, standing, second row: Hugh Elroy, Frank Profy, Herman Corn, John Cocordas, Eugene McIlvaine, Joseph Wooley (mostly hidden), Paul [Vandergrift]
From left to right, top row: Arthur Fuco, Stanley Dick, Charles Ruzin, Bill Gallagher, Charles Klein.
Note: The word “Rumors” in the background was the name of a room at the King George II Inn in which the owners of the inn operated a night club setting with music and dancing.